The Anya Hindmarch Chubby Cloud Exhibition at LFW SS19

The world's largest bean bag, shaped like a cloud, is inspired by the iconic cloud motif within AnyaHindmarch'sChubby collection. The giant cloud allows guests to climb on and sink into a relaxing break from the hustle and bustle of LondonFashionWeek; taking 5 minutes off...
The idea is to simply welcome and literally envelop people in our world
Held inside the established Banqueting House, led underneath the only in-situ Rubens painted ceiling in the world, the Chubby Cloud is host to a three day event including a series of talks, meditations, music and bed time stories open to the public.
The main highlights include:
Bedtime stories read by PoppyDelevingne and ClaudiaWinkleman DerekBlasberg in conversation with EdieCampbell YanaPeel in conversation with MarcQuinn and VictoriaSin talking about body image in art AnyaHindmarch in conversation with LisaArmstrong ProfessorRussellFoster talks sleep with guided morning meditations led by HappyNotPerfect and RichardEGrant
As well as sung lullabies with TheLondonGayMen’sChorus, tech and history talks and more.
This morning, Anya Hindmarch introduced Radio 4’s Shipping Forecast read live by Zeb Soanes accompanied by a chorus conducted live from above, whilst guests lay back for a moment on the world's largest beanbag, better known as the ChubbyCloud.
Situated below, Hindmarch envelops guests in their experience, with sweet treats and refreshments available from the Chubby Cafe as well as a Chubby Cloud pop-up shop showcasing the AW18ChubbyCollection including products created exclusively for the event.

A minimalist fashion fan with high interests in the odd print or check. Constantly trying to make my home look like a catalogue; you can find me shopping for cute bedding, candles and other Instagrammable interior accessories.