Voyage by Isabella Thaller

The desire to up sticks and travel the world comes to a lot of us, but how many of us actually do – and create a beautiful book full of memories on our return – is far fewer. Vienna-based art director and graphic designer Isabella Thaller did just that, sharing her journey with her latest project Voyage. Thaller spent nine months travelling solo through various countries and cities, using her images to document the trip – and it’s fair to say it will put your Facebook holiday albums to shame. We sat down with Thaller to find out more about her travels, her plans and of course – Voyage.
It’s a collection of visual memories from a trip around the world that lasted nine months. About 90 images are organised in nine chapters according to their provenance and the order I visited the countries in, almost like a log book.
I definitely experienced places differently than I would have done had I gone with a friend. I also made more connections to others, I guess. It was new to me though, to constantly make decisions about how to proceed on my own without anyone else to bounce ideas off.
The digital world is so short-lived that it seems to leave more of a mark when there is a physical object to leave through. Especially when travelling alone, there is nobody back home to share your memories with. Recollections of travels, like the one I did, seem to fade. Being able to look through a book inspires memories to come back and makes it easier to share the experience, at least partly, with others.
I can’t name one favourite place, as they were all different, but I guess New Zealand’s beauty impressed me the most.
A few encounters along the way led to great opportunities later in the trip. However, there were no big surprises, everything went really smoothly.
I live in Vienna/Austria now, where I work as a graphic designer and art director in a studio that I share with some other creatives. I still spend a part of the year travelling and working from other cities like New York or Barcelona though.
There are some projects in the pipeline that aren’t out yet, some in print some digital, but I can say that they aren’t related to travel.
To see more of Isabella Thaller’s work, visit her