Haim Days are Gone

At first listen it may appear that this San Fernando Valley trio may actually be in fact a reincarnation of Michael Jackson himself.Following their 2013 Glasto fame, HAIM (pronounced like 'time' FYI) have created a debut album combining a plethora of sounds, synths, and influences that pretty much everyone has fallen instantly in love with.
Signed by Jay-Z to Roc Nation, it is quite clear that Mr.Carter has a proven track record for noticing talented girl groups (or perhaps Queen B herself suggested the collaboration). Having previously cited 80s rock as one of the stronger influences on their sound such as Queen and Pat Benatar, the harmonies achieved by the sisters on 'Days Are Gone' suggest a stronger affinity towards R&B or Synth-pop. HAIM emulates an ethereal yet thick,molasses-rich sound that is simultaneously able to easily transform from day-time background soundtrack (most notable 'Let Me Go' and 'The Wire') to Saturday-night-ready, bass-laden, danceable tracks ('Forever' and 'Days Are Gone').
Holding true to girl band stature, there are plenty of heart-broken lyrics readily available for having a bit of a karaoke moment, if the mood strikes. In addition to this brilliant album, be sure to have a listen to their cover of Miley Cyrus' '
To find out more about HAIM and to hear their album Days Are Gone, visit their site