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How to wear denim this season

From trending jeans to double denim looks, we break down the most sought-after denim staples for you to invest in this season. Renowned for its versatility this laid-back fabric is being used to bring a playful and effortless aesthetic to our wardrobes. Here’s how to wear denim this season… 
how to wear denim

Double Denim 

The ultimate easy-to-style outfit for the changing season is an all-denim look. With a rise in co-ords, doubling up your denim is an effortless but elevated outfit. Pinstripes and printed denim are becoming popular, with baggie shapes and slouchy looks taking centre stage. Pair down with a white tee and structured leather bag from Mansur Gavriel’s new collection for work or weekends. 
how to wear denim

Denim Skirts 

Quickly becoming the investment of the season, the denim skirt seems to be elongating season after season. Worn with a t-shirt and tailored jacket or slouchy jumpers and leather jackets, the ankle-length skirt is the ultimate cool-girl look for the season. We love the maxi style from GANNI perfect with their must-have western boots and clogs. 

Denim Wide Leg 

Balloon shapes and wide-leg extra-long cuts are this season’s jeans to own. Moving far past the years of super skinny, high-waisted jeans. Looking cool and relaxed we have seen many street-style looks opting for the super wide-leg look. Pairing them with a spring cardigan or knit and a statement pair of sunglasses, they will carry you through the day and night. 
how to wear denim

Denim Accessories 

Denim has always been loved for its versatility but these accessories have taken it to a new level. With grab bags, tote bags and summer sandals perfect for any outfit or occasion we have been mixing them in with our wardrobes. Fun and quirky, denim doesn’t clash, mix the washes with Marant Étoile and Alexander Wang this season.

Denim Jackets 

Denim jackets or shall we say shackets, in some cases, are what our team can not stop wearing. Able to be worn as a jacket or a shirt, it’s the perfect staple as we navigate the changing season. Worn as a double denim look with some mules for an evening or with cargos and your Birkenstock Boston’s for the office, it’s an investment that you can wear on repeat. 


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Sarah Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson Writer and expert

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