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Record Store Day 2014

If you haven’t heard of Record Store Day before, then let us educate you. It is an annual event to celebrate the independent record stores all over the World and their love of music with acts producing limited edition vinyl all released for one day only until they sell out. The 19th of April has become a key date in any music fanatic’s diary.

It makes every record store, however small, a destination for one day only with the task of reigniting love of vinyl. And boy does it work.

We love vinyl, not only because of the amazing sound quality but also for the tactile nature of a record. It’s unlikely anyone will ever make such a fuss about a ‘download day’ after all.

The Coggles team travelled the length of the country to visit Record Store Day celebrations in both London and Manchester. Team London spent their day at Berwick Street to join the street party and Team Manchester stood in line at Piccadilly Records to get their hands on their limited edition goods.

Berwick Street, boasting six independent record stores including Beat Control and Sister Ray, hosted a mini festival complete with live music, events, street food and clothing stores all getting involved. Acts included Adam Ant (actual Adam Ant!), Edwyn Collins, The September Girls and Augustines to name but a few. The sun was out, the music flowing and everyone was content with their purchases, in the words of Adam Ant ‘Vive le Vinyl!’

Manchester was a slightly more hardcore affair with the obsessive fans beginning to queue outside Piccadilly Records from lunch time the day before, the Coggles team tipped their caps to these brave souls but chose to wait until the next morning to join the mammoth queue that snaked through the streets of the Northern Quarter. The store was pulsating with exciting as constant updates of sold out records streamed through, the team still managed to get their hands on some of their wishlist though.

Our highlights of the offering included Joy Division’s An Ideal for Living, Flaming Lips’ 7 Skies H3 and One Direction’s Midnight Memories. We might be being slightly sarcastic about one of those…

To learn more about Record Store Day visit the site here >>> and you can also find out where your closest record stores are if you’re not already a regular!

Clare Potts
Clare Potts Writer and expert

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